Making a transformational gift allows you to impact the future of Jewish life at the University of Wisconsin while becoming a permanent part of our history. As an investor, you can choose to dedicate a special space in the Barbara Hochberg Center for Jewish Student Life building or name a program, service or professional position. Or, you can commemorate your family name or the name of a loved one by setting up an endowment through the University of Wisconsin Foundation.
Available Naming Opportunities
•High Holiday Services, Programs and Meals
•Passover Seders, Programs and Meals
•Combatting Anti-Semitism
•Student Internship Program
•Conference Scholarships
•Welcome Eeek
•Holocaust Education
•Jewish Learning Fellowship
•Travel to Israel
•Engagement Programming
•Social Justice Programming
•Israel Programming
•Jewish Graduation Ceremony
Staff Endowments
CEO/Executive Director
Senior Rabbi
Senior Jewish Educator
Assistant Director
Director of Jewish Student Life
Israel Fellow
Engagement Associate
Barbara P. Hochberg Building Fund
Ask about opportunities to support the maintenance and operations of our Hillel building, the Barbara Hochberg Center for Jewish Student Life.
We will work together to identify the most meaningful option for you.